Dust it offffffffffffff!

So back again, like absolutely a true blogger, update atleast 5 times a day, that's me! Well probably not but I just got something to blog about, i'm usually a spontainious person but now I planed something that is not going to happened in like over a year and that's really not like me :o Well anyway, the thing I planed is that I am going to this prom kinda thingie at the end of highschool and most often people decide who to go with like a weak before the prom,but I made it today! I'm going wwith my dear friend Isabelle Strömberg because well she started again at a new school so she won't go with the people in my grade so we decided that she should go with me! Supersweet to have that crossed already on the checklist! :) Well that's it for now, back in like 4 months I guess!

Shredd on little dude! 



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